yoshiki bann
wax artist | graphic designer

He established "van candle studio" in 1996 in London.
His artistic wax creations are sold by galleries and interior design shop in Italy, America, Japan and the United Kingdom, including Hayward Gallery, Kew
Gardens, Mint and Donna Karan New York etc.
In 2002, during London Fashion Week, the Wax Dress that he created for Kei Kagami's catwalk astonished the audiences.
He has also been involved in events including concerts, play and parties where his wax creations have been an integral of the event.
Hayward Gallery
Kew Garden
shop MINT
Donna Karan New York
Basho Records
Buckinghamshire Golf Club
Gallery Cho-Cho san
George Pedersen
Gallery Cuore etc...
Equipments in vancandlestudio: